Main Page: Just to give you an idea of the many areas covered by LyricPro.

Songs Details: A song begins by "registering" a title or an idea. When you are ready to write, just mark it as "Active" and click on "Write".

Write Lyrics: Here you can work on each section (Verse, Chorus, Bridge) and also access the unique Slant-Rhyme Dictionary.

Publishers: Keep track of Publishers and submissions on this page.

Prints out professional-looking lyric sheets for submissions.

Chord/Number charts: create and print out charts for use by other musicians.

In fact, you can have up to two different charts per song, two different arrangements perhaps, or one number and one letter-chord chart. The following is an the same chart as above as written with chord letters instead of numbers. If you're not used to Number Charts, this method may be easier to understand at first, but less versatile when it comes to changing keys quickly.